In this evolution over half a century, Sunrise CSP has developed and patented technologies in association with ANU.
  • The world’s most efficient and largest paraboloidal dish solar concentrator – The Big Dish
  • High optical performance Laminated SMP
  • On-demand and time-extended energy delivery – SUMO
  • World’s highest efficiency solar-steam receiver
  • Factory-in-the-Field system for maximizing local manufacturing and supply opportunities

Solar Cells, also called Photo Voltaic Cells converts the sunlight directly into Power/ Electricity whereas Solar Concentrator generates heat in form of hot water, hot air and steam and thermic fluid. These, in turn, can be used in applications ranging from Grid-Scale Electricity Generation to providing heat for industrial processes. Steam at a high temperature can also be used to generate power by running turbines.

The efficiency of Sunlight to Power Generation in PV is approx. 18%
The efficiency of Sunlight to Power Conversion if generated using a Steam turbine can be between 24-40 %. Importantly the cost of storing thermal energy in a Concentrator Dish is significantly lower than PV battery storage.

Both technologies are complementary to each other and have their pros and cons.
Solar cells are mostly fix and forget type systems and just need cleaning for maintenance. They have no moving parts, work in diffused sunlight and are scalable. However, they have poor efficiency for power conversion.

This is where Concentrator Dish technology comes into play.

Concentrator Dishes are far more efficient for power conversion. CSP can provide the heat needed in industrial processes. Through Big Dishes and low cost thermal storage, CSP technology manages the peaks and troughs of intermittent power generation.

CSP technology delivers lower-cost heat compared to other technologies and natural resources. The ROI delivered by the technology is far superior. (Click here to know more)

The Big Dish SG 4 has three deliverables and sometimes it can be only one in form of electricity when used for power generation only or it can be both power generation and industrial energy solutions (high-temperature processes).

Thus, the technology can be applied to a multitude of industries. (Click here to know more)

O&M is very low. It only requires mirror cleaning and lubrication of moving parts.

The engineering design life of a plant is of 30 years. However, well-maintained plants will last many more decades.
And considering our solar system, the technology can operate approx. 7 hours a day and for about 300 days annually.